IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Iraqi orphans wait for support from charity givers
Just as it is the case with all wars, children in Iraq were the ones damaged mostly by the occupation in Iraq. It is reported that 5 million children were orphaned by the US occupation which began in
Iraq 04.01.2012

Working hard to heal the wounds in Iraq since the day the US occupation began, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation is supporting 2,256 orphans in the country thanks to its Sponsor Family System. In addition to this, the foundation pays regular visits to the country on Eids, arranges mass fast-breaking dinners (iftar), delivers food, sacrificial meat and new clothes to the orphans and their families. 

One of the IHH’s partners in the region Happy Family Organization Relief and Development also conducts relief efforts in Diyala region in particular for orphans and their families. 871 children in Diyala alone grow up thanks to the support of Turkish charity givers. The Happy Family Organization Relief and Development which delivers the monthly donations of Turkish charity givers to orphans, also carries out education and other projects for the orphans and their families. However, there are millions of other orphans in Iraq and they all wait for the charity givers to extend their helping hand to them. The IHH has been periodically supporting orphans and children without a family through its Sponsor Family System launched in 2007. By making a monthly donation of TL90 (36,7 euros) for at least one year, everyone can make a contribution to support an orphan and their needs for accommodation, education, healthcare and food.

The consequences of the occupation are heavy

The consequences of the US occupation in Iraq where approximately 200,000 Iraqis were killed are very heavy. The end of the occupation does not mean the end of the life struggle for the women who lost their husbands and for the kids who lost their fathers or the entire family in the occupation. Although there are various relief organizations in the country, the ongoing environment of chaos and polarization make it hard for the country to return to normal in the aftermath of the war. This situation of chaos is also an obstacle before the realization of long-term projects for the country.

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