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"A March to Remember Gaza" with tens of thousands held in Istanbul
"A march to Remember Gaza" was organized in Istanbul by the Foundation for Humanitarian Relief (IHH) and the International Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC). The march started at Beyazıt Square and ended at Ayasofya Mosque Square.
Palestine-Gaza 21.04.2024

The event began at 2:00 PM at Beyazıt Square, with tens of thousands of people participating. Slogans such as "Get out of Palestine, Killer Israel; Killer Israel, Collaborator USA; Free free Palestine" were chanted. Citizens and tourists along the route also showed support for the demonstration. 

"We sail to stop the massacre in Gaza"


Speaking at Ayasofya Mosque Square, Ann Wright, former U.S. diplomat and FFC  spokesperson, thanked everyone who came to support the Freedom Flotilla. She said, "We sail to break the siege in Gaza. We sail to deliver food and medical supplies to the people suffering from hunger in Gaza. We sail to protest the oppression in Palestine on behalf of all people around the world. I appeal to the leaders of countries. We sail with humanitarian purposes, and we continue on our path. I also appeal the Turkish government. Show the necessary facilitation for the ships to depart."

"I am ashamed of the hypocrisy and complicity of European leaders"


Ada Colau, former Mayor of Barcelona, stated that Barcelona is one of the largest cities that cut ties with Israel. Colau said, "This is not enough. I am also a European, and I am sad to say this, but I am ashamed of the hypocrisy and complicity of European leaders. That's why I am here. I am here for the Freedom Flotilla. They ask me if I am afraid to join the flotilla. I am with the people who sail for freedom; I am not afraid. I hope that we will break this blockade. We are here until Palestine is free."

"The situation in Gaza is critical and urgent"


Nimâ Machouf, FFC Canada representative said, "We came here to break the siege because the siege is illegal. Thousands of children have lost their lives in Gaza. Thousands of people are facing diseases and hunger. The situation is critical and urgent right now. As humanitarian organizations, we must break this blockade. Breaking the blockade is our primary duty, but our main duty is to eliminate the Israeli occupation."

"We sail for Gaza"


Muhammed Cihat Çelik, head of IHH Youth said, "We have gathered in the courtyard of Hagia Sophia Mosque, whose freedom of captivity we have fought for years, for the sake of Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is still under captivity. We are here for the war victims who are bombed with white phosphorus and oppressed. The ships have been purchased. We are directing our course to Gaza. We will go to Gaza and hopefully contribute to achieving a ceasefire. These ships will sail for the freedom of Gaza. We are not afraid of the Zionist occupiers and their collaborators."

"I am here for the freedom of Palestine"


Carlos Trotta from the MSF and FFC member said, "I am here on behalf of the Latin American people for the freedom of Palestine. We have been witnessing the suffering of the Palestinian people for years. Our main concern is to protect the dignity of the Palestinians."

"The U.S. government must know that it is complicit in genocide"


Daniel Martin Kovalik, a representative of the International Association of Lawyers, said, "I am here to stand with the oppressed Palestinians who have been killed by the U.S. and Israel. I want to address the U.S. government. You need to know that you are complicit in this genocide. The Freedom Flotilla is also taking action to remind the International Court of Justice of its obligations. If Israel harms any of the people on this flotilla, it will have committed a major crime on the international stage. We have formed an army of lawyers to defend this flotilla."

"Don't forget the West Bank"


Dominique Cochain, a French lawyer, said, "I am a lawyer from France. Lawyers from all over the world will continue to fight with all our might. Don't forget the West Bank. The people there are being killed by Israel every day."

The program ended with prayers for the Palestinians.

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