IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Orphans to have warm winter
Orphan children will have a warm winter this winter thanks to IHH Warm Winter Project.

Orphan children from 14 countries around the world and across Turkey will be offered assistance this winter within the scope of “Warm Winter Project,” which was launched by IHH Orphan Care Department. The project foresees meeting various needs of orphans such providing winter clothing, fuel for heating, stoves or electric heaters, and restoring their houses.

In Turkey, 5,166 orphans and needy children from 36 provinces as well as more than 10,000 orphan children from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Iraq, and Palestine will benefit from the winter project. As part of the project, children will be distributed winter coats, scarves, caps, gloves, socks, shoes/boots, stationery materials; families of the children will be provided with coal and wood for heating, blankets, stoves, electric heaters, foodstuffs and other winter necessities.

The winter supplies mentioned above will be delivered to families in November-December period to help orphan and impoverished children spend the winter happily and in health. Houses of a number of low-income families will also be restored.

IHH aid teams, who visited one by one houses of orphans in different cities of Turkey and assessed their needs, are waiting contributions of charitable people to repair and maintain as soon as possible the houses that are makeshift or cannot stand winter conditions like rain and snow.

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation is supporting 27,118 orphan children in 39 countries and regions worldwide with monthly cash aid in Sponsor Family System. And in Turkey, 3,157 orphan children in 36 provinces are cared for by sponsoring families.

IHH aid teams, who visit orphan children at their homes during Ramadan and Qurban periods and Orphan Solidarity Days, carry out various periodic projects to meet needs of orphans. “Warm Winter Project,” one of these periodic projects, aims to prepare orphan and impoverished children for extreme winter conditions.

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