The İsmailağa village was opened in the city of Muzaffargarh.
Federation of Foundations Valuing Human Life (İDDEF) which is affiliated with the İsmailağa community launched work for the construction of houses for the flood victims in the aftermath of the disaster in summer. Initially, construction of the 25 houses was completed and the keys to these houses, which are all furnished, were distributed to families who lost their homes in the floods.
The keys were delivered to the families by IDDEF representatives who offered their thanks to the IHH for organizing the construction of the houses.
In the meantime, the IHH delivered food, blankets, cleaning materials and shoes to the flood victims in Punjab and Khyber-PakhtunKhwa (KPK) regions. The foundation also donated cows to 10 women in the Hamzawali region whose husbands were killed in the floods.
The IHH also paid visits to Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan, distributing food and clothes to the refugees.
Deputy Chairman of the IHH Ahmet Sarıkurt who organized distribution of aid in Pakistan said: “We have a lot to do in Pakistan. The effects of the flood disaster may last for years.
We will continue relief efforts here.”