IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Qurbani shares distributed to earthquake victims
IHH, which has been providing humanitarian relief to people affected by the earthquake that hit the city of Van, has delivered Qurbani donations coming across Turkey, to Van residents.
Somalia, Turkey 08.11.2011

Somali students help aid distribution

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has been working to help people affected by the earthquake in the city of Van and the worst hit town of Erciş and has packed Qurbani donations into equal size packages and delivered to local people. Twelve Somali, Chadian, Sierra Leonean, Senegalese, Kenyan, Afghanistani and Pakistani students from Bab-ı Alem International Student Association helped IHH teams with aid distributions.

 IHH performed most of this year’s Qurbani slaughters in Van Province after it was struck by a 7.2-magnitude earthquake. IHH teams were with the local people who marked Eid al-Adha at a time when they were struggling to recover from the earthquake. About 1400 Qurbani shares were equally packed and distributed to affected people.

IHH is delivering the delegated sacrifices by charity-givers to people in need as it has done over the last two decades. People in the disaster zones particularly welcomed donations in the name of empowering fraternal ties. Meat packs loaded to vehicles were distributed by IHH teams to affected people from door to door.

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