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Qurban in 60 countries on Eid al-Adha
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation will be carrying out Qurban organizations in 60 countries including Turkey with the slogan “A Share of Happiness.” The cost of each Qurban determined by IHH both in Turkey and abroad is $135
Turkey 08.06.2022

In 2022, IHH aims to deliver the Qurbanis donated via proxy by our donors to people in need in 60 countries including Turkey. This year, the fixed cost of a Qurbani determined by IHH is 2.000 TL for both in Turkey and abroad. Donors that donate their Qurbanis via proxy can choose one among the 60 determined countries.

Last year, 62.062.000 Qurban shares were delivered

After delivering a total of 62.062.000 Qurban shares to 2 million 482.480 people in need in 2021, IHH aims to exceed this figure this year.


Our target of clothing 100.000 orphans on Eid al-Adha

IHH teams, that will be traveling to different regions of the world on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, will not only be delivering meat to their brothers and sisters that await them but will also continue to support them with various projects aimed at improving their living conditions. IHH also plans to distribute eid clothing to more than 100.000 orphans in 30 countries including Turkey. The cost of eid clothing was determined at 300 TL per child.


“A Share of Happiness” will be made in these countries

IHH teams consisting of personnel and volunteers will depart to sacrifice the Qurbanis of our donors and deliver the meat to those in need. IHH aims to strengthen the ties of brotherhood, sharing and solidarity among Muslims by delivering the Qurban shares donated via proxy by our donors to Muslims in 60 countries including Turkey.


IHH scheduled its 2022 Qurban in the following countries:

Middle East: Yemen, Palestine (Gaza and the West Bank), Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran, Jordan and Tunisia.

Africa: Chad, Cameroon, Mali, Benin, Togo, Niger, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Guinea, Burundi, Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi, Sudan, Somalia, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Eswatini and Djibouti.

Central Asia and Caucasus:  Mongolia, Georgia (Ajara), Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan.

South Asia: Bangladesh (Arakan), Myanmar (Arakan), Pakistan, Indonesia (Aceh), Thailand (Pattani), Nepal, Sri Lanka, Philippines (Bangsomoro), India (Kashmir) and Vietnam.

Balkans and Europe: Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia (Sanjak and Preshova), Romania and Ukraine (Crimea).

America: Colombo


How are the Qurbanis sacrificed?

-Qurbanis are purchased by IHH officials according to the requirements of sacrificial animals in the countries and regions where the sacrifice will take place.   

-Qurbanis are sacrificed in accordance with Islamic regulations.

-The meats of the sacrifices are distributed by hand to people in need.

-Information confirming the sacrifice is sent to donors via SMS.

How to give a proxy for your Qurban

Qurban proxy donations can be made in person by visiting the IHH headquarters, online via the internet or by calling our foundation on 0212 631 2121. Qurban proxy donation can be made until 23:59 on the 2nd day of eid.    

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