IHH constructs orphanage complex in Somalia
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation is implementing long-lasting projects aiming for the development of Somalia one by one. An orphanage complex, the foundation of which was laid in Mogadishu in Septem
Somalia 20.02.2012
Carrying out relief efforts in Somalia for more than 15 years, IHH has sped up relief efforts in the country where tens of thousands of children are orphaned every year due to drought and civil war. The orphanage complex whose foundation was laid in September is one of the biggest projects of the IHH in Somalia.
There will be two bedrooms [one for girls, one for boys], a school, a healthcare center, a Quran course, a deep water well, a supermarket and a mosque in the orphanage complex when it is completed. The construction of the complex is estimated to cost $2,5 million. A total of 1,400 children will receive education at the school in the orphanage complex which will provide accommodation to 200 orphans.
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