IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Target for the Freedom Flotilla II is 1 million application
The world is once more standing against the ongoing illegal Israeli blockade in Gaza. Freedom Flotilla II, which is organised by 22 non-governmental organisations from Indonesia to Canada, and has par

It was claimed that “no one would want to participate in a new flotilla” after the bloody attack on the Freedom Flotilla which set off to weaken the illegal blockade of Gaza last year. However, the existence of people of conscience, who want to take part in this noble work toward the freedom of the Palestinian people, contradicts this claim. 

After putting the preliminary application forms of Freedom Flotilla II online, 5 thousand applications were made within 4 days. Applications are continuing intensively. There are lots of requests to participate from Anatolia. In order to meet the demand, the application forms have started to be sent to the associations and volunteers who organise IHH works in different cities. To meet the application demands, 250 thousand application forms have been sent to different cities by the IHH. The forms will be evaluated after they are filled and sent back to Istanbul.

Demand from all around the world
After the preliminary application forms were published on the IHH's institutional web page, a high demand came for participation. Applications started to come to the IHH, not only from Turkey but from all around the world.. People from all around the world, from Indonesia to Haiti, from Niger to Ireland, started to complete their preliminary application forms to join the new flotilla. Among the applications, the most remarkable ones are Jews with conscience who want to join the fleet. Many Jews expressed that they want to join the flotilla so that the Gaza blockade can end as soon as possible.

CLICK HERE to fill out the preliminary application forms for the Freedom Flotilla II.
Click here for Online Donation.
Click here for bank account numbers.

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