IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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The blessings of Ramadan has spread all over the world
With the support of philanthropists and Turkish volunteers IHH have conducted many Ramadan programs since their establishment. This Ramadan they have reached the Middle East to the Balkans, Africa and Asian continents. The spirit and blessings of Ramadan has reached the orphans and needy in 94 countries and regions and 78 provinces in Turkey.

With the support of philanthropists and Turkish volunteers IHH have conducted many Ramadan programs since their establishment. This Ramadan they have reached the Middle East to the Balkans, Africa and Asian continents. The spirit and blessings of Ramadan has reached the orphans and needy in 94 countries and regions and 78 provinces in Turkey. Volunteers and employees of the foundation were designated into teams and sent out to domestic and international countries. According to the needs identified of that region they arranged iftar dinners, alms-charity donations, health aids and inauguration of permanent projects were carried out.

Aid was sent to millions of oppressed and needy people of Iraq, Syria, Palestine, the Balkans, Africa, Asia and in many parts of the world. Prayers were exchanged in return. During Ramadan 160, 000 food packets were distributed, 1,150,000 people benefited from these packages. 140, 000 people opened their fast at dinner tables that were set up for iftar. As the massacre in Syria persists, 297 truckloads of aid were sent to Syria during Ramadan. The 58,750 aid packages that were distributed in Syria reached 4.5 million Syrians. In addition, 9,000 orphan children received eid clothing in Syria.

Our soup kitchen toured Turkey

IHH organised iftar programs with their mobile kitchen in 28 provinces across Turkey. In 78 cities and towns, 30,000 aid packages and 10, 000 children aid packages were distributed. 160, 000 people benefited from these aid packages. 45,000 citizens opened their fast on iftar tables set across the city. Again, eid clothing was gifted to close to 10, 000 orphans within the country.

Permanent projects opened in the month of Ramadan

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has carried out relief activities in many regions around the world to countries who are suffering from war for the past 20 years, natural disasters, poverty etc… In order to produce lasting solutions to these problems they are now carrying out new projects. The permanent projects completed in the month of Ramadan have now commenced, now the initiations for new projects are being made. In Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries in Africa they opened up Haci Hasib Mosque, H.z Abu Bakr Siddiq Mosque, Kadir Feride and Sevim Sarac Balikesir Mosque, Patani Osman Husne and Ismet Sarac Balikesir Mosque, Quran Halkaları Mosque and Sifa orphanage were opened. In Senegal, the foundation for Elif giyim Mosque and the Mosque of Ashab al-Kiram was laid. In Patani, Furkan Emre Kesik and Saadet (Sifa) orphanage have opened. With the aid of a group of Turkish university students called “help street (Yardım Sokağı)” an orphanage was built in Pakistan were 250 orphans will be staying at the Darul-Erkam orphanage which has now opened for service. In Cameroon, two water wells were opened. This allowed the citizens to obtain clean water. Other permanent relief efforts in other regions are also continuing at full speed.

Palestinian and Syrian refugees in Lebanon

When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1978, 500,000 Palestinian refugees are trying to hold onto life in 12 refugee camps across Lebanon. A large proportion of these people living in these camps were born in Lebanon and have never seen their home country Palestine. Lebanon is also one of the main countries along the side of Turkey and Jordan where the Syrian people seek refuge. The IHH team continued to provide aid to Palestinian and Syrian refuges of Lebanon in the holy month of Ramadan. 50 aid packages which contained items such as rice, flour, oil and food were distributed to Palestinian refugees. Iftar dinner to 850 people staying in camps and 213 families living in the camps were also handed out aid packages. Also, Iftar dinner was offered to 850 people living in the camps of the Bekaa Valley in the Talaba and Bar Ilyas region. They also distributed aid packages to 213 families. Refugees in Lebanon are in constant need of aid and support.

Arakanese Muslims in Myanmar

Muslims exposed to the massacre carried out by the Buddhists management are trying to cope with difficulties such as lack of food, housing problems, communicable diseases in the refugee camps they are living in. Hence, the Muslims over here are only surviving on aid they receive. In order for aid to be effective in this area there has to be constant varied aid. Aid that is sent out to Arakanese Muslims are delivered by IHH on a regular basis. All efforts were continued in Ramadan as well. Ramadan aid packages were distributed to 7,900 families. When the camping areas where observed and inspected three masjids were repaired. The greatest desire of the Arakanese Muslims is to be left alone.

Greetings from Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is weary due to its countries civil war. Muslims in the country are affected by the civil war. On several occasions over the year aid was delivered to Sri Lankan Muslims. They were not forgotten in Ramadan as well. Aid was distributed at Ansar Mental and Physical Disability Children's Education Centre located in the Mawanell region. This education centre was also built by IHH. While aid was distributed to families with disabled children who attend this school, it was also distributed to 600 orphaned families across the country. Sri Lankan orphans and Muslims sent IHH and Turkey greetings and prayers.

Afghanistan, Crimea, Yemen, Kenya...

Ramadan projects were carried out in Yemen, Afghanistan, Crimea and Kenya. While the IHH team distributed aid packages to 200 Afghani families they visited orphanages in Kenya and hand out presents. In Yemen they listened to the problems of the Muslims and provided help to the needy. With Russia's invasion of Crimea many Muslims migrated to Ukraine. Aid packages were distributed to close to 1,000 Crimean Muslims.

Blessings of Ramadan in the Balkans

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has not forgotten the Muslims in the Balkans in the beautiful month of Ramadan which is full of blessings. They continued to distributed aid to the needy, homeless and orphans. Ramadan projects were carried out in the Balkans, Bosnia - Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Romania, Hungary, Sandzak (Serbia) and Bulgaria. The IHH team distributed aid to the regions needy, orphans and their families. The orphans were filled with joy when they received presents at iftar dinners. The orphans also came together on many other occasions. IHH teams sent greetings from our country to the Muslims of the Balkans and listened to their problems. Ideas were exchanged in a meeting that was conducted to discuss projects and activities that can be carried out in the near future.

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