IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Toys are for Orphans
The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has set a campaign of toy donation to the children who are left orphaned in the distant geographies.
Africa, Balkans, SouthAmerica, SouthAsia, Caucasus, CentralAsia, MiddleEast, Turkey 15.02.2011

Our foundation which has been implementing the projects of education, health and sheltering now sets a new campaign: toys are for the orphans! The donated toys will be sent to the orphans in many different countries in order to put a smile on the orphans' face who lost their parents due to war, natural disasters or conflicts. Via this campaign the IHH will delivered the toys and playpens to the orphan boys and girls at any age on all around the world.

You too make an orphan smile by your toy donation.

Figures on Orphanhood

Today on earth, 165 million of children is being either fatherless or motherless. 100 millon of children are homeless, trying to survive on the streets. During the war in Iraq about 5 millions of children were left orphaned. Thousands of children in Africa are left orphaned because of the negative climate conditions, civil wars and similar reasons.

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