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More than 150 NGOs launch aid campaign for Syria
Representatives from more than 150 non-governmental organizations came together for a meeting in Feshane in İstanbul to say “stop” to the humanitarian tragedy in Syria and released a press statement a
MiddleEast, Syria 03.12.2012

The NGOs led by the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation have rolled up their sleeves for a major aid campaign for Syria. The aid campaign was announced to the media at a news conference in Feshane. There are plans to send 1,000 truckloads of aid to Syrian people from Turkey.

In the press statement NGO representatives pointed out that in order to raise awareness about the situation of Syrians, they are going to held press statements, and organize programs across Turkey. They also drew attention to the rapidly growing humanitarian crisis in Syria due to the ongoing clashes in the country. Activists and dozens of press members were attended to the press conference.

1,000 truckloads of aid to Syria

IHH President Bülent Yıldırım stated that they launched a large-scale of aid campaign for Syria together with more than 150 NGOs, he also added that the aim is to send 1,000 truckloads of relief items to Syria.

Noting that around 10 million people face the risk of hunger due to the crisis in Syria, Yıldırım said: “With the arrival of winter, circumstances in Syria have become harsher, it is the children who are affected most by the cold weather.”

Yıldırım said Syrian people are in need of flour, sugar, rice and bulgur most.

“Unfortunately, there are ideological views regarding the developments in Syria. I am addressing the political parties from here. No matter what your views are on this issue, get united and fulfill your responsibilities as a human. Help your neighbors this winter who feel cold just at your side. These people are in need of help,” he said.

Making a call to non-governmental organizations, Yıldırım said: “Our doors are open to every aid organization which wants to take part in this aid campaign. I call on everyone to be more sensitive about Syria and make greater efforts for the people of this country.”

Humanitarian crisis in Syria grows further every day

“Syrian people have been undergoing very difficult days due to the 20-month-long clashes. Majority of the Syrians had to leave their homes and move to other cities or countries due to the bombardment of their cities. Three million people in the country have left their homes, commercial activities in the city have come to a standstill, animal catering and agriculture sectors have been significantly damaged. So, around 10 million people across Syria face hunger. Syrian refugees try to continue their lives under very inappropriate circumstances in tents at Turkish border. Due to the winter, people living in tents are faced with serious problems concerning their health and accommodation. So, urgent measures need to be taken for the improvement of the living circumstances of the Syrian refugees. While the number of refugees grows every day, unfortunately Syrians’ need for food and other items in camps are not properly met. Since there is a shortage of flour in many places, most of the bakeries do not work. Urgently-needed items are flour, sugar, rice, bulgur and cooking oil.  

The situation of Syrians on the Kilis border in Babussalam camp gets worse each and every day. It is the old people and the children who are affected most by the deterioration of weather. Outbreak of epidemics among people living in nylon tents is very likely with the arrival of the winter. Syrian refugees are in urgent need of food, blankets, coats for children and boots. The most urgently-needed items in the camps are tents, blankets, electrical heaters, women’s underwear, children’s underwear, undergarment for women, undergarment for children, coats, shoes, boots, caps, gloves and socks.

NGOs supporting the aid campaign for Syria (in alphabetical order)

Adıyaman Residents’ Foundation, Ahiska People Foundation, Akoder, AK Party Youth Branches, AK Party İstanbul Provincial Office, Akabe Foundation, AKDAV, Akıncılar Mosque, AKV, Alperen Youth Group, Anadolu Science and Culture Foundation, Anatolia Platform, ASKON, Azaklıoğlu Foundation,, Bab-I Âlem International Students’ Association, Bakırköy Youth Branch, Başakşehir Foundations Platform, Başakşehir Culture House Foundation, Bayburt Gölaba Foundation, Bayrampaşa Healthcare Association, Behram Çansız Foundation, Bembirsen İstanbul, Beraket Foundation, Beyazgül Foundation, Bingöl Residents’ Solidarity Association, Unity Foundation, Bitlis Foundations’ Federation, Bolu Humanitarian Aid Foundation, Bomonti Group, Bursa Humanitarian Aid Foundation, Grand Unity Party İstanbul Provincial Office, Canova Village Development Foundation, Cesat, Darul Hikme, Davet Foundation, Denizyıldızı, Diyarbakır Üç Pınarlar Foundation, East Turkestan Maarif Foundation, East Turkestan Sim Foundation, Eğitim-Bir-Sen Başakşehir Branch, Elazığ Sivrice Uslu Village Foundation, Ensar Foundation, Erdemder, 24 Erzincan Residents’ Foundation, EVKAD, FADER, Fatih Platform, Ferahder, Feza Culture Association, FİDDER, Filizder, Genç Askon, Genç Birlik, Genç Müsiad, GİKAP, Giresun Batlamalılar Foundation, Giresun Federation, Gop Erzurumlular Foundation , Gönül Kuşağı Foundation, Gönülder, Voluntary Hands, Smiling Children and Youth Association, Georgian Friendship Association, Hakça Foundation, HAKDER, HAKEDER, Patient Rights Activists, HAYDER, Hayrat Foundation,, Hayrat Foundation Başakşehir Office, Hikmet Education and Culture Foundation, Hikmet Solidarity Foundation, Hilal Foundation, İDDEF, İDSB, İDYAD (Iraqis), İGİAD, İHYADER, İlim Yayma Foundation, Human Civilization Movement,  İSDER, İSTİMDER, İTKAT, From Woman to Society Education Group, Kastamonu Residents’ Foundation, Katre Foundation, Kocaeli Humanitarian Aid Association, Koyulhisar Foundations Federation, Kuyulu Mosque Foundation, Liman Youth Center, Malatya Bent Village Foundation, Mavi Marmara Association, Association of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed Peoples (MAZLUM-DER), Civilization Foundation, Medhal Association, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Education, Culture and Aid Association, the Civil Servants' Trade Union (Memur-Sen) İstanbul branch, Meva Foundation, MTTB, Muş Varto Foundation, the Independent Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (MÜSİAD), Necmettin Irmak, Nisan Initiative Group Solidarity Foundation, Nur Foundation, Oku Foundation, Ordef, Ordu Residents’ Platform, Önder, Örnekder, Öz Kevser Foundation Başakşehir Office, Özel Fm, the Freedom Association (Özgür-Der), Rumeli Balkan Foundations’ Federation, Rumeli Balkan Solidarity Platform, Sadakataşı Foundation, Safa Foundation, Sakarya Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Aid Association, Sedav, Sefire-İ Alem, Senabil, Seyyidan Community, Silivri Humanitarian Aid Association, Sinop Foundations’ Federation, Sivas Platform, Civilian Solidarity Platform, Social Texture Foundation, Suffa Foundation Başakşehir Office, Sultan Baba Community, Sultanbeyli Volunteers, Sultangazi Uluçınar Foundation, Syria Solidarity Association, Syria Democratic Turkmen Movement, Syria Turkmen Community, Syria Solidarity and Unity Foundation, Syria Solidarity and Development Foundation, Süreyya Foundation, Süreyya Education, Culture and Solidarity Association, Damascus Association,  Şanlıurfa Solidarity Association, Tekder, Tekirdağ Humanitarian Aid Association, TESİŞ, TGTV, Tiyemder, Trabzon Krantaş Solidarity Association, Consumers’ Association, Uğurlu Charity Givers Education and Environment Foundation, Uslu District Foundation (Elazığ), Uşşaki Foundation, Vahdet Foundation, Yalova Human Rights and Freedoms and Relief Foundation, Yankı Foundation, Yapak Foundation, Yedi Hilal Foundation, Zeyyed.

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