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Al-Quds Award to Furkan Dogan
American Muslims for Palestine organization awarded Furkan Dogan with the annual Al-Quds award. The father Ahmet Dogan received the award on behalf of his son Furkan. The organization awarded Prime mi
Palestine, SouthAmerica, Turkey 21.02.2011

American Muslims Remembers Furkan

The NGO representatives, academicians, business people and opinion leaders and many Muslims attended to the night organized by American Muslims for Palestine in Chicago city of America.

The head of the AMP, Prof. Hatem Bazian made the opening speech of the program which was organized in Banquet Hall. Bazian said in his speech that AMP was trying to solve the problems of the Muslims currently living in America. Bazian also said that the presence of the Dogan family upon the invitation of the AMP was an honor.

Ahmet Dogan thanked to the American Muslims while he received the al Quds award. During Dogan's speech the emotional moments was occurred. Some amongst the audience couldn't hold the tears.

Dr.Talal Sunbulli a Syrian American was amongst the speakers who said that Abdulhamit II.  was a very good sultan and leader that the Islamic world would always be thankful to him and now Turkey carried on his mission. Sanbulli also said that as the Muslims of America they are very proud of the Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

A Muslim-American Hamza Yusuf Hanson, who has seen as a primary name amongst the Muslims in America, made a closing speech. He said that the Muslim youth is not a representative of the future, the youths are representative of today and Furkan Dogan is the best example.

Various meetings held in America

Ahmet Dogan along with his lawyers Ramazan Ariturk and Ugur Sevgili, held various meetings with different contacts in America. Prof.Cherif Bassiouni who is Egypt oriented American professor of law known with his contribution to International Criminal Court by  preparing the treaty known as Rome Statue and his counseling services to United Nations and US Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hosted Ahmet Dogan and lawyers in his home.

Prof.Bassiouni said to Dogan that the application to the International Criminal Court (ICC) will be resulted in a short time and according to the US law it is possible to press charges against the killers of Furkan Dogan and the people who gave the instructions in the United Nations.

After the meeting with Prof.Bassiouni, Ahmet Dogan and the lawyers came together with the administrators of American Muslims for Palestine, which has a strong lobby presence in America, the president Prof.Hatem Bazian, Fadi Sahouri and Hamza Yusuf in an acquaintance meeting.

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