In his speech Yildirim stated that as a result of the civil wars and the attacks within the Islamic world it was effectively a World War IV and that many Muslims have shed blood and tears in their own land.
Highlighting the burning death of Muslims in Central Africa, Yıldırım said “Muslims are currently being massacred in Central Africa. They are being burned and thrown to crocodiles alive, lynched with the full knowledge and backing of France.”
“The Islamic world has always been weakened with internal collaborators. If we were to use our intelligence, suppress our egos, let go of the power struggle, would these children be allowed to be murdered in this way?” He also added that:
“Turkey cannot control the affairs of Central Africa. Turkey assisted Somalia and to a certain extent Arakan. But it cannot control Central Africa. Why? There was a coup in Turkey, and it was an attempted coup, that is why. In the court of Allah this all will be asked. We are the first organization responded Central Africa issue. We have started operations there and published reports about there. We have explained to the government that ‘They are preparing the foundations for a Christian-Muslim clash that will continue in the next ten years in Africa’ yet it has not acted on this. Why? Because it is dealing with a parallel force within the judicial system and the police system. For this reason the Muslim must be wise. Whatever is happening here is weakening our strength. If we are engaged with in-fighting, we will weaken, divide and lose the opportunities that we have in our hand”
“Sunni and Shia world failed in Syria”
Yıldırım, emphasizing a big massacre is occurring in Syria, said “Shia and Sunni world failed in Syria. Both will give account to Allah. While women and children were being killed those who take these ideologically and politically, will have the curse of these women and children and will have their necks shrouded in blood on the Day of Judgement. If this persecution was done by an American, we would have filled the public squares. This means that within the Islamic world there is hypocrisy and insincerity”.
Mavi Marmara Lawsuits
Asked about the Mavi Marmara cases, he stated there would be no stepping backwards regarding what he has said about the lawsuits.
Yıldırım stated that Israel must first lift the Gaza siege, “We are strong and we are in the right. Israel has shown its true colors. Throughout the world, it is taking itself in a weak position. One of the biggest reasons for this is the current cases. Israel says with excitement that ‘We have apologized. We will give you 25-30 million dollars and you can drop the lawsuits’. I believe that our Prime Minister will not drop the lawsuits. This is because he has his own statement, ‘we don't have authority to forgive murderers. That right belongs to the families of the victims. We cannot agree to anything without the permission of the families of the martyrs.’ What Israel wants is for us to abandon the lawsuits. We will not change our mind”
“This is a plan to control Turkey”
In reply to a question regarding the Van centered operation, Yıldırım said:
“The operation and the other affairs in Turkey today are because of one reason only; the Zionists that have lost Turkey are conducting an operation trying to regain Turkey. After the Mavi Marmara, Turkey made a decision to be independent. It started to be independent in regards to the arms industry. Within the Islamic world and in the region Turkey has a real power to be able to round up together the Sunni-Shia sects, to be able to finish the internal civilization clashes. The zionist sympathizers who has seen these, has had an attempted coup with their collaborators Turkey. With Turkey–Israel relations having a barrier with IHH, they had tried to give us offers previously. ‘With the Syrian issue, let us open all doors for you, but please do not bring the Mavi Marmara issue into question’. We objected immediately. After that some people not knowing for whom they are serving, abruptly raised the issue of the truck and the operation on our Kilis office.”
After his speech, Yıldırım, presented the Konya media members with thank you plaques in recognition of their sensitivity and consciousness to the plight of those who are suffering in the Muslim world.