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Gaza victims remembered
A program was organized by the participants of Viva Palestina convoy in Aqaba to commemorate 1,500 Palestinians who were killed during the Israeli offensive a year ago. Prayers were recited and three-
Europe, Palestine, MiddleEast, Turkey 27.12.2009

In protest of the Egyptian decision not to allow the Gaza convoy enters its port, five British activists along the convoy, which is waiting in the Jordanian city of Aqaba, went on hunger strike on 27 December. They threatened to carry on the protest until Egypt grant the convoy permit.

The activists paid homage to 1,500 Palestinians killed by Israel on the anniversary of the attacks by reciting prayers and observing three-minute silence. Banners reading names of Anas Main, Rafat Muharram, D.r Fatima Salem, Muin Algoun and Dr. Asra Salah, some of the victims were carried.  

The activists marched to the Egyptian consulate in Aqaba by carrying anti-Egypt banner and shouting slogans. However, the Jordanian police did not let the protestors approach the consulate. 

We need another ‘One Minute’ stance

The activists said they were expecting Egypt to follow the example of Turkish PM’s attitude towards Israeli actions in Gaza.

Bülent Yıldırım, president of the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, accused Egypt of being complicit in war crimes of Israel by supporting Gaza embargo and urged the Islamic world to say “One Minute” to Egypt. 

Sylvia Wall, 70, one of the British activists, said “We were expecting the world to take action; however, it turned its back on Palestine. Israel killed another six Palestinians the other day. I was nine years old when Israel was founded in 1948. It has never stopped killing Palestinians since then. I still remember Sabra and Shatila massacres. The world must stop Israel; this war should end.”

Another British activist Arshad Ali, 44, stressed the determination of the convoy participants saying “We came here traversing thousands of kilometers. We will not stay in Aqaba, because we did not come here to turn back.”

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