IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Emergency aid for the victims of Cyclone Idai
Almost a thousand homes were destroyed due to flooding.
Africa, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe 25.03.2019

A cyclone occurred, affecting 2 million people in three countries in Southeast Africa Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The cyclone was so severe that it destroyed almost an entire city that has a population of 500 thousand people. There has been more than 750 deaths recorded so far, but the effects of the cyclone are continuing. When the flood waters recede, the death toll is expected to increase.

The hardships of those who survived are not over completely. While some wait to be rescued from rooftops, others are trying to reach safe areas. But they also face another threat; diseases. The polluted water that has flooded the region provides a suitable environment for flies and other harmful insects and animals. In view of this, malaria and other diseases can cause a serious loss of lives.


Currently, there are urgent needs in the region. Initially, those who are stranded must be rescued. Different kinds of equipment are needed for this. Medication, hygiene supplies, shelter and food are other urgent needs. People who manage to reach the emergency gathering points must be provided with these services or their lives will become even more difficult.


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People in this region are in need of our help. You can help us to support the victims of this disaster.

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