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Syrian Ahmet has been the 40,000th orphan IHH reached
The 40,000th orphan has been Syrian Ahmet living in Shemmarin Container City established by IHH in a region near Kilis border.

IHH that has been carrying out humanitarian aid activities continuously all over the world in 135 countries and regions in the world and that takes care of tens of children more on each passing day started ¨Sponsorship Support System¨ in 2007 in order to support orphans until they stand on their own legs. With this system, the education, healthcare, social, cultural and other needs of orphans who lost their parents or fathers because of wars, natural disasters, poverty, and health problems in Turkey or in other parts of the world are met with the donations of charitable people in Turkey.

Within the scope of ¨Sponsorship Support System¨ that has been carried out in 46 countries including Turkey, the number of orphans supported financially every month regularly and continuously has reached 40,000 recently.

According to the information got from IHH Orphan Care Department, the 40,000th orphan has been Ahmet El Hüseyin living in Shemmarin Container City established by IHH in a region near Kilis border. Ahmet lives with his mother, aunt, grandmother and siblings there. Ahmet's sponsor is 6K Class in Kazım Karabekir Elementary School in Bağcılar, Istanbul that supported the project of ¨Each Class Has an Orphan Fellow¨.

The Coordinator to the IHH Syrian Orphan Activities Muhammet Karadağ visited Ahmet and his family in the campsite and extended the greetings of his brothers in 6K Class in Kazım Karabekir Elementary School to him. Ahmet talked about what he was living in the camp and his dreams about the future.

He has three brothers and a sister, his father martyred in Aleppo eight months ago. Ahmet said that they had many difficulties after his father died. He said ¨Our uncles kicked out us. We left our house and came to Shemmarin from Aleppo, Mercie.

Living in a container established for the families of martyries with 7 other people, Ahmet said that he loved his school much but the thing he loved most in the camp was sliding in the parks.

Ahmet helps his mother with the housework and goes to bring meal from the public kitchen and brings water for his family as the man of the house.

He has many friends there. Ahmet said that he loves all his friends and he plays with some of them. He studied in the 1st grade before the war started and now he studies in the school established in the camp. He said he wants to be a doctor in the future because he doesn't want anyone to be ill. He reads books after school. He says ¨I read Qur'an and I love books where there are jokes and comics.¨

Ahmet said ¨IHH meets all of our needs. It distributes meals and bread, it already gave blankets to us and it opened a school for us. We don't need anything else¨

What Is Orphan Solidarity Days?

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation is going to organize the 4th of ¨Orphan Solidarity Days¨ this year. In these days which will be held in February, March and April, hundreds of projects are started in the countries where IHH carries out orphan sponsorship activities. This year IHH aims to reach 65,000 orphan children with 350 projects in 41 countries.

149 projects out of 350 projects prepared for the 2014 Orphan Solidarity Days will be carried out in Turkey in the cities Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Batman, Bitlis, Bursa, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Erzincan, İskenderun, İstanbul, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Mardin, Mersin, Sakarya, Sivas, Şanlıurfa, Trabzon, Uşak, Van, Yalova, Zonguldak.

In Afghanistan, Arakan, Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Chad, Chechnya, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Philippines, Palestine, Ghana, Georgia, Haiti, Iraq, Kazakstan, Kashmir, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Macedonia, Egypt, Mauritania, Nepal, Pakistan, Presevo, Rwanda, Sanjak, Sierra Leone, Somali, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Yemen and Equator 197 projects will be carried out. These projects include cooperation projects, sewing machines for Somalia, grocery stores for Gaza, restoration of the orphans' houses in Turkey.

The campaign of ¨Each Class Has an Orphan Fellow¨

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation started a campaign called ¨Each Class Has an Orphan Fellow¨ in 2013 with the support of Ministry of National Education and Directorate of Religious Affairs in order to make as many people in Turkey as support orphans. According to the information given from IHH Orphan Department the campaign was supported by 5,500 class' in 1,700 schools and Qur'an Courses in 80 cities of Turkey.

What is Sponsorship Support System?

IHH has been carrying out its orphan activities in two categories one of which is the periodic aids with the education, healthcare, sheltering and social aid projects and the other is regular aids. Within the scope of the ¨Sponsorship Family System¨ it started in 2007, 40,000 orphans are supported with regular financial aids in 41 countries and regions in the world including Turkey.

The sponsorship cost is 90TL which meets the sheltering, nourishment, healthcare and education expenses of an orphan.

>In order to fill the Orphan Sponsorship Form, click here.

>For Online Donation, click here.

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