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Women Set off for the Journey for Freedom of Gaza
Freedom Flotilla Coalition-FFC set sail with two ships which have only women on board to break the blockade on Gaza imposed by Israel.
Palestine-Gaza 10.09.2016

Freedom Flotilla Coalition-FFC set sail with two ships, which have only women on board, to break the blockade on Gaza imposed by Israel. The FCC women will leave Barcelona, Spain on 14th September with two ships named Amal-Hope andZaytouna-Olivarespectively. After leaving Barcelona, the ships will make stops in two different European ports and then head to Gaza.

Acclaimed female artists, writers, academicians, politicians, photographers, journalists, sportswomen and activists from different countries across the world will be on board FCC ships which aim to bring the blockade on Gaza to the world’s attention and break it. The captains are also female on the ships where all passengers are women. Mavi Marmara martyr, late ÇetinTopçuoğlu’s wife ÇiğdemTopçuoğluwill also participate in the organization. Mrs. Topçuoğlu who has numerous awards in Taekwando will make this journey for Gaza’s freedom for which her husband was killed.

FCC women are trying to raise awareness about Gazan and Palestinian women’s struggle against the illegal blockade on Gaza. Over 1.5 million people most of whom are under 20 years of age are trying to survive in occupied Gaza. Israel keeps violating the international law. According to the researches Gaza will become impossible to live in by 2020. It is undeniably a crime against humanity. Two ships of only women will set sail to break the blockade imposed by Israel. Women will set sail on 14th September to Gaza to break the blockade on Gaza.

Women Set Sail to Break Israeli Blockade

Women from different parts of the world come together with the aim to raise awareness about women’s struggle in Gaza and West Bank against the blockade by setting sail to Gaza with two ships.

Gaza has been under Israeli blockade over the past years. Israel has launched numerous attacks at the population under siege and turned their lives into a never ending nightmare and aconstant adversity. Physical war did not only paralyze economy and market of Gaza and occupy its land but also destroyed homes, schools, families, national libraries and museums. It demolished the country’s civilization, heritage, culture, memories and hopes.

Freedom Flotilla Coalition is trying to bring world’s attention to the Palestinian struggle through this organization. FCC ships of women do not only aim to challenge Israeli blockade but also give a message of hope and solidarity to the Palestinians. The organizations is carried out with the support of women, men, NGOs and grassroots, women communities, and international organizations.

Freedom Flotilla Coalition consists of NGOs from many countries and activists. For years they have been challenging Israel’s illegal and inhumane blockade on Gaza and will keep up with their struggle until the blockade is unconditionally lifted and Palestinians are granted their rights.

For more information you can visit FCC website and social media accounts;

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