IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Let them “see the light” with your donations
The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, which launched a “Cataract Surgery Project” in 2007 with the slogan, “They will see if you help,” aims to reach out more cataract patients in order to get them
BurkinaFaso, Chad, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, SierraLeone, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania 01.12.2010

Cataract surgeries have been performed so far in Benin, Ghana, Togo, Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia on 45,000 cataract patients thanks to the efforts of the IHH. Eye tests have also been made on 156,524 people for cataract since the launch of the project.

In Africa, there are currently 12 million people with eye disorders with cataract being the most widespread eye problem. Each year many people in this poorest continent lose their vision in early ages due to development of cataract which is mostly triggered by factors such as extreme temperatures, climate conditions and malnutrition. A shortage of medical staff and equipments also remain as main obstacles facing cataract patients who could be treated through a simple surgery. Although six million people suffer from cataract in Africa, only one out of every 2,000 patients can undergo treatment.  

Volunteer Turkish doctors from all over Turkey provide free cataract operations in the African countries as part of the IHH’s project.

The IHH aims to increase the number of cataract surgeries performed in African countries in 2011 by reaching out to the cataract patients in Sierra, Leone, Kenya and Tanzania. The “Cataract Surgery Project” is completely funded by the donations of the Turkish charity givers. By donating TL 120, you can help a cataract patient to regain their vision.

For more information, please see www.ihh.org.tr/catarakt

Eye disorders in Africa with figures

-In Africa, which has a population of one billion, 1.2 percent of the people are blind.

-Only one out of every 2,000 cataract patient can undergo treatment.

- An adult in every five seconds and a child every minute lose their vision.

- There is one physician per 40,000 people, while millions of people have never seen a doctor in their lifetime particularly in Sahara belt countries such as Niger, Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso and Ethiopia.

-One out of every five children in West African countries such as Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso die before they reach the age of five.

- The number of doctors who can perform eye surgeries in 13-million Niger is only 11. This means there is one doctor available per 1.2 million Nigeriens. 

-More than half of the African population subsists on a daily income, which is less than $1.

-One African child dies in every ten minutes to a curable disease.

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