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Pakistani chief minister visits IHH
The Chief Minister of the Gilgit-Baltistan province in Pakistan, Seyid Mehdi Shah has visited IHH's head office in Istanbul.
Pakistan, Turkey 14.03.2014

The Chief Minister of the Gilgit-Baltistan province in Pakistan, Seyid Mehdi Shah and Pakistani Consulate General Zahid Raza have visited the IHH office and met with the IHH board member Huseyin Oruc and IHH Secretary General Yasar Kutluay.

Chief Minister Seyid Mehdi Shah said that he was aware of the long term commitment of IHH within Pakistan. Thanking IHH for their efforts, Mehdi Shah said that the close friendship between the two countries has brought Turkey and Pakistan closer together. Mehdi Shah said that IHH has been to help the people of Pakistan at all times and “The projects and aid that has been given to Pakistan show a positive direction and have won the hearts of the Pakistani people”.

IHH board member Huseyin Oruc gave detailed information about the completed projects until now and the projects that are being carried out at present in Pakistan.

At the end of the meeting Huseyin Oruc gave a plaque to Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Minister Seyid Mehdi Shah as a symbol of his appreciation as well as giving a promotional kit Pakistan Consulate General Zahid Raza that demonstrates the work and projects of IHH.

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