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Syria alone with problems
The humanitarian crisis in Syria has reached unbearable levels. In the country where living circumstances have become very tough, people even eat dog or cat meat in order to survive. If an urgent action is not taken, the big disaster caused by shortage of food will go into the pages of shame of the humanity.
Syria 06.11.2013

“If you don’t see us as humans, see us as animals and give the value to us that you give to animals.”

There are news reports coming every day about dying children in various regions, there are screams of people who are fed up with eating dog or cat meat in besieged regions in Syria and the world’s silence concerning all these has gone beyond bearable limits.

A woman who lives in BeitSahim village of Damascus, which has been besieged by regime forces, says in a video: “If you don’t see us as humans, see us as animals and give us the value that you give to animals. We have understood that humanitarian aid associations do not see us, so animal rights associations should see us and help us.”


In the same video, the woman explains the tragic situation in her village as follows:

“There is no electricity here for one year. We just want humanitarian aid corridor. Several days ago, a woman became ill. If even a non-Muslim had seen that woman, they would feel pity for her. Where would we take this woman? There are no hospitals, no medication. There is a child who suffers from an infection in his mouth. What can we do for him? He cannot eat anything. What can we do for him? Where will these ailing people go?”

“We will keep our patience until our last breath. Even if we die, we will not get out of our houses. Our children have become martyrs and they are still becoming martyrs. We will not get out of here despite this. Allah gives us the patience and strength,” she said in further remarks.

There is a need for aid mobilization for Syria again in order to say “stop” to this massacre just for the sake of human dignity.

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