IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Ethical Values

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation carries out its activities knowing and observing that the protection of the security of life, belief, mind, property, and generation is the most natural and indispensable right of human beings, whom it considers the most superior among the created beings. It carries out all kinds of struggles against those who violate this right, wherever and by whomever. IHH stands by the victim in case of a violation of any of these rights, no matter who it is or how it is done.

IHH considers the purpose of humanitarian aid to be protecting life and health and ensuring respect for human beings in accordance with universal basic humanitarian principles. IHH provides humanitarian aid on a need-based basis and does not discriminate on the basis of nationality, race, gender, religious belief, class, or political opinion, except for prioritizing emergency crisis situations. IHH carries out its humanitarian aid activities independently of any political, economic, military, or other objectives that an actor may have in the regions where it carries out its humanitarian aid activities. As a humanitarian aid actor, IHH does not take sides in conflicts or engage in political, racial, religious, or ideological debates.

IHH provides relevant and appropriate assistance to crisis-affected communities and individuals. It carries out humanitarian aid interventions in a timely and effective manner. IHH aims to strengthen local capacity in humanitarian response operations, thus preventing negative impacts. Humanitarian response is based on communication, feedback, and participation. It is open to and responds to complaints. The humanitarian response is well coordinated and complementary. The continuous learning and development of humanitarian actors is targeted. Staff are supported in operating effectively. Staff are provided with knowledge and capacity-building programs and are treated fairly and equitably. Resources are used responsibly and in accordance with their intended purposes.

IHH does not provide services to any stakeholder in the region under conditions that conflict with its professional obligations or that in any way compromise the integrity of its work. In the event of a "conflict" or "the emergence of a potential conflict of interest," IHH withdraws from the mission as per the circumstances. In this way, IHH removes the source of conflict or reaches an agreement with the relevant parties on the fulfillment or continuation of the contract.

IHH discloses at the earliest opportunity any special relationship, special situation, or business relationship that may affect or weaken its impartiality in a particular task, or in cases where it thinks that it may affect its impartiality by the client or other persons.

IHH does not accept discretionary discounts, accommodations, commissions, or gifts as incentives in favor of any individual or organization and does not allow any attempt to gain an advantage by giving financial incentives to its stakeholders or personnel.

IHH does not use any confidential information about the affairs of a stakeholder, which arises during the execution of a task, for personal benefit or for the benefit of other persons outside the stakeholder organization.

IHH respects the professional obligations and qualifications of all others with whom it works. When referring a stakeholder to another consultant, IHH does not make any misrepresentations or commitments about the qualifications of the relevant consultant. IHH communicates the potential conflicts of interest and related consequences before beginning work for a stakeholder who is known to be served by another consultant. When a stakeholder asks IHH to handle a different task, IHH acts with the appropriate objectivity, integrity, and sensitivity in all technical and consulting results communicated.