Human Resources
The mission of IHH Human Resources is to achieve the goals and objectives of the institution, by employing personnel who are educated and owns a career, trained or to be trained in accordance with the desired qualifications. The Human Resources unit sees the human in the center of the organization, tries to provide both material and moral satisfaction of the human resource in the right time and place. It is a unit that provides development and career opportunities, respects human rights and freedoms, includes experts and competent people in humanitarian aid, defines its personnel as an exemplary model in terms of social, legal, cultural and moral aspects and will mobilize their work in this direction.
The vision of IHH's Human Resources is to train human resources who continue their humanitarian aid activities regardless of religion, language, race, sect and set an example in terms of knowledge, skills and morals in their work, and whose knowledge and experience will be consulted with IHH's purpose and mission.
Our Working Principles
- To be a pioneer
- To be a bridge between communities
- To be a referee
- To be the voice of the oppressed
- To contribute to the rebuilding of a just world without exploitation
- To make the most of escrow
- To be transparent
- To promote the service, not the brand or name
- To help without discrimination based on religion, language, race, sect
* Justice
* Kindness
* Freedom
* Brotherhood
* Trustiness
* Courage
* Solidarity
* Sincerity
* Morality
* Honor
* Respect
* Volunteering